Trinderup Hede drop zone

The parachutes open and slowly descend onto the drop zone where the reception team is waiting.


The drop zone had been reconnoitred by SOE agent Ole Geisler and then planned with the landlord Flemming Juncker. A reception team was established with people from Randers and Aarhus. On 11th March 1943, a code was announced on an evening broadcast from the BBC, so the team moved into position...

The drop zone had been reconnoitred by SOE agent Ole Geisler and then planned with the landlord Flemming Juncker. A reception team was established with people from Randers and Aarhus. On 11th March 1943, a code was announced on an evening broadcast from the BBC, so the team moved into position. At the reception, which was the first successful weapon drop in Denmark, 6 containers were delivered - these were hidden near the drop zone. The following day, they were collected by Marius Fiil, an innkeeper from Hvidsten Kro. From the inn, the weapons and explosives were later transported to Randers. From here they were distributed to the paratroopers and their respective groups.



Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 198. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 41f.

Region: Jutland - District: 8 Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Trinderup Hede Place in the Military Map: Volume 1 - Page 23 - D3: Ca. 1 km øst for pkt. 27 Sources: Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 198. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 41f. Info: Placering ifølge "List of dropping point" (L.A. Duus Hansens arkiv, Rigsarkivet)