Tisvilde drop zone

Mogens Hammer ("Table Top") 1911-1946. Engineer, SOE-agent. He was airdropped twice into Denmark. The first time on 27 December 1941, when he was to work as a telegraphist...


On the night of 19th October 1942, SOE agent Mogens Hammer ("Arthur") was airdropped into the water off of Tisvilde. This was the second time he had been dropped into Denmark. He was wearing a special suit that allowed him to withstand the cold water...

On the night of 19th October 1942, SOE agent Mogens Hammer ("Arthur") was airdropped into the water off of Tisvilde. This was the second time he had been dropped into Denmark. He was wearing a special suit that allowed him to withstand the cold water. There was no reception team to meet him, so he had to come ashore by himself and then make his way to Copenhagen. Hammer was to temporarily lead the SOE in Denmark after the head of SOE Michael Rottbøll had been killed by Danish police on 26th September 1942. In March 1943, he was replaced by the new SOE leader, Flemming B. Muus, and in the summer of 1943, he went to England via Sweden.


No reception team

Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 177f. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 27.

Region: Zealand - District: Holbæk Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Tisvilde Place in the Military Map: Volume 3 - Page 3 - G1: Ud for kyst, vest for "H" i Hotel Sources: Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 177f. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 27. Info: Placering ifølge "List of dropping point" (L.A. Duus Hansens arkiv, Rigsarkivet)