Svenstrup drop zone

The parachutes open and slowly descend onto the drop zone where the reception team is waiting.


The plane airdropped 24 containers.

The plane airdropped 24 containers.




The Borup Team

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15105. Beretning i Hæstrups samling i Rigsarkivet: Brorly. Brorlys Privatarkiv, nr. 2841, Rigsarkivet.

Region: Zealand - District: Sorø Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Svenstrup Place in the Military Map: Volume 3 - Page 15 - E2: 200 m. syd for "et" i Udløbet Sources: Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954. Info: Placering ifølge "List of dropping point" (L.A. Duus Hansens arkiv, Rigsarkivet)