Sabotage attempt against Henning Petersen’s Timber Yard 18-08-1942

Immediately to the left of the white concrete block the firebomb was discovered.

The place where they found the firebomb viewed from another angle.


The timber yard produced wooden barracks for the Wehrmacht. The company was owned by the contractor Henning Petersen. KOPA tried many times to carry out sabotage on the business, although up until now without success...

The timber yard produced wooden barracks for the Wehrmacht. The company was owned by the contractor Henning Petersen. KOPA tried many times to carry out sabotage on the business, although up until now without success. The police linked the incident to other sabotage attempts due to similarities in patterns and material.





3 Københavns Amt Søndre Birk


Robert Sørensen

AS-10344, AS-3-242

Robert Sørensens læg

Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997.