Sabotage against the Machine Factory 08-12-1943


The factory was housed in a two-storey building. There were approximately twenty employees who produced firearm parts for the Danish Industrial Syndicate (DISA). Previously, the factory had manufactured aeroplane parts for Blom & Voss in Hamburg...

The factory was housed in a two-storey building. There were approximately twenty employees who produced firearm parts for the Danish Industrial Syndicate (DISA). Previously, the factory had manufactured aeroplane parts for Blom & Voss in Hamburg. The saboteurs tried to coax the sabotage guards into opening the door by shouting that a cyclist had been seriously injured. The guard had no idea and tried to call for help, but the saboteurs cut the telephone line. The guard ran into the machine room whilst shooting at the intruding saboteurs. No one was hit. The saboteurs planted a large bomb in the middle of the machine hall, and then disappeared out the back door - the sabotage guard went out the front door. The saboteurs - and the sabotage guard - warned some gypsies living in wagons on the neighbouring grounds. Thirteen of the wagons were damaged by the explosion.



Frederiksundsvej 274


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