Sabotage against coach works Scandia 06-07-1943

The iron- and barb wire grid towards Udbyhøjvej. Notice the cut threads where the perpetrators gained access to the complex.

The destructions after the explosion. The toilet building is completely blown away, there is punched a big hole in the wall to the machine workshop in the center of the drawing and the roof came down over the transformers from which one has tumbled down.

Ground plan of the blasted transformer station’s location. The red cross marks the location of the explosive charge.

Ground plan of the company factory complex. The Explosion site is marked with a red cross.

The blasting site viewed to the east. To the left in the picture you can see the damaged blacksmith and to the right the machine workshop, where the charge was placed.

Blasting site viewed to the west. To the right in the picture you can see the damaged blacksmith and to the left the machine workshop, where the charge was placed.

Close up pictures of the ends of the cut bob wire. The police was able to conclude whether the wire was cut with a pair of wire cutters.


The company carried out sizeable deliveries to the German National Railways. Five saboteurs gained access through a hole cut in the fence. Afterwards, they placed a heavy explosive charge with trotyl in the company's transformer station.



Udbyhøjvej 66


44 Randers


Niels Peter Jensen, Jens Peter Helge Refslund og Jørgen Guldbrandt Milwertz m.fl.



KL-1022, KL-1007