Sabotage against a storehouse rented out to the Wehrmacht 02-02-1945


Two saboteurs placed an explosive bomb and explosives onto an iron barrel – apparently, the barrel had been standing in the storehouse beforehand. They also planted firebombs in the building. Situated nearby was another storehouse with German generators and this was also destroyed...

Two saboteurs placed an explosive bomb and explosives onto an iron barrel – apparently, the barrel had been standing in the storehouse beforehand. They also planted firebombs in the building. Situated nearby was another storehouse with German generators and this was also destroyed. During the attack, three Germans and a Marine Guardsman were killed.



Søndre Kystværnsvej, Sydhavnen


41 Århus

8. gruppe (to mand)

KF5-2675, KF5-3148

Brink Jensen (FHM 14077)

Søren Hansen: Daglige beretninger om begivenheder under den tyske besættelse, 1946, s. 612 og 615.