Sabotage against Torotor 02-01-1945


The company largely produced machine parts for the Wehrmacht’s fighter planes. In the morning, the whole area was blocked off by armed saboteurs, who blocked access roads by brandishing machine guns. During the attack, a driver and a German guard were killed and bombs were planted and exploded...

The company largely produced machine parts for the Wehrmacht’s fighter planes. In the morning, the whole area was blocked off by armed saboteurs, who blocked access roads by brandishing machine guns. During the attack, a driver and a German guard were killed and bombs were planted and exploded. The factory was totally destroyed by the action.



Kollegievej 6


2 Københavns Amt Nordre Birk




Hugo Horwitz (FHM 14057), G.A.P. Rasmussen (FHM 14252) og Holger Darmer (FHM 20090)

Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997. Søren Hansen: Daglige beretninger om begivenheder under den tyske besættelse, 1946, s. 536.