Sabotage against Møller & Jochumsen’s Machine Factory Limited 29-12-1943

Map section of the company and the surrounding area. The explosion damaged machine hall is drawn in red.

Lumps of what the police thought were unexploded English explosives.

The machine halls western part.

The east part of the machine hall. The arrows show where the explosive charges were thrown in the hall, while the craters are drawn with a dotted line.


Several bombs were thrown through a window of a company which was working for the Wehrmacht. When the machine workers saw that smoke was seeping out of one of the boxes, they immediately realized that it was probably from explosive charges, so they hurried into the factory’s air-raid shelter...

Several bombs were thrown through a window of a company which was working for the Wehrmacht. When the machine workers saw that smoke was seeping out of one of the boxes, they immediately realized that it was probably from explosive charges, so they hurried into the factory’s air-raid shelter. Damage was caused to the buildings and inventory, and two Danish Sabotage guards were injured in the explosions.



Allegade 10/Farvergade


36 Horsens

Holger Danske

Peer, Tellus, Reib, Niels og Jørgen Kieler




Jørgen Kielers beretning (FHM )

Lillelunds arkiv, Rigsarkivet, håndskrevet liste signeret "Mix"