Sabotage against Master Butcher Gøttsche’s Sausage Factory 27-05-1944

Map section of the crime scene. The sabotaged company is drawn with red shading.

Outline of the company. The red circles show where the 2 explosions took place in the entrance to the shop.

Outline of the basement, where the factory was. The red circle shows where the explosive charge exploded.

The company facade and entrance to the shop. The red circle shows where the explosive charges were placed.

Close up picture from the destructions near the shop entrance. The red circles show the craters from the explosions.

The destructions at the explosion site in the furnace room. The bricks are from the collapsed walls into the other cellar rooms. The placing of the explosive device next to the central heating boiler is marked in red.

The company yard. The basement descent to the boiler room in the sausage -making plant is showed in red.

Fragments of a so-called ”time pencil” detonator, which was used to time-set the explosive charges.

The stoker furnaces’ fuel tunnel after a partial reconstruction. The explosive device was placed on top of the electric motor that drove the furnaces’ fuel supply...


A small part of the company’s production went to the Wehrmacht – including to the headquarters which was located opposite the factory. Three bombs were deployed in the sabotage



Bredgade 25


59 Herning

Møller Jensens gruppe


KF5-3217, KF2-8569


Ole Møller Jensen (FHM 14929)