Sabotage against L.E. Bruun’s Condensed Milk Factory Limited 04-12-1943

Situation outline of the crime scene.

The factory as viewed from the west. In the middle of the picture you can see the windows, through where there was gained entrance at a similar sabotage about 14 days earlier.

The factory viewed from the east. The arrow marks the main entrance, where just inside the blasted dynamo was located.

The blasted dynamo.

The factory viewed from northwest. To the right in the picture you can see the boiler room and furthest to the left you can see the door, through where the saboteurs obtained access to the factory.


An explosive charge was planted on a dynamo. The company had been exposed to similar sabotage two weeks earlier but continued to produce predominantly for the Wehrmacht.



Sct. Cathrine Vej 44 (se rids)


52 Hjørring


