Sabotage against Hugo Dorph’s Clothing Factory 15-05-1943

Map section of the location of the company.

Outline of the factory buildings.

II. Blasting sites viewed from the west.

I. Blasting site viewed from northwest.

III. Factory building and engineer housing viewed from the southeast.

IV. The blasting site ”I” and the boiler man hole viewed from the west.

V. The factory chimney with the blasting site ”II” viewed from the north.

VII. Close up of the hole in the partition wall between the stair-entrance and one of the rooms on the ground floor.

VI. Fireplace in the basement of the company with boiler in the background.

VIII. The broken up door to the ground floor, through where access to the building was obtained. You can see the blasted wall and door above the boiler room through the doorway.


The company had previously delivered uniforms to the Wehrmacht. Saboteurs planted several firebombs and explosive charges on the ground floor, including in the boiler house and the factory chimney...

The company had previously delivered uniforms to the Wehrmacht. Saboteurs planted several firebombs and explosive charges on the ground floor, including in the boiler house and the factory chimney. As a consequence of the explosion, the top of the boiler blew off and walls and doors were shattered. The chimney received little damage, only slight chipping on the bricks where the bomb had hung. Later, four unexploded bombs and four bottles of petrol were found on the factory premises.





3 Københavns Amt Søndre Birk


H.E. Teglers og J. Jespersen

AS-3-365, AS-3-356


HH's liste og Hans Edvard Teglers (FHM 14301)

Hans Edvard Teglers: Sabotage. Amatørernes oprør, 1961, s. 481. Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997.