Sabotage against Hollesen’s Factories/Always Radio 15-01-1944

H.Hollesens Fabrikker in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

H.Hollesens Fabrikker in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen On fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen, on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944. In the front there are two firefighters in process of taming the fire.

Hollesens Fabrikker” and radio factory ”Always in Copenhagen after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen On fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

A building in flames after the sabotage against H. Hollesens fabrikker and Always on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker” and radio factory ”Always in Copenhagen after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Always in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker and Radiofabrikken Alway” in Copenhagen on fire after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.

Hollesens Fabrikker” and radio factory ”Always” in Copenhagen after the sabotage on January 15th 1944.


Hollesens Factories produced radiators and pumps. Saboteurs from BOPA planted a very powerful timed explosive bomb. Shortly after, a phone call was made to the company warning them about the bomb. Nevertheless, some individuals were injured in the explosion.



Teglholmsgade 2


0 København


"Jack" (Knud Erik Svendsen).




Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997.