Sabotage against Gunnar Hardrup’s turner's workshop 28-04-1944


The company was a small machine factory with 25 employees who worked occasionally for the Germans. During the night, the factory was guarded by 2 sabotage guards, but at the start of normal working hours, they left the factory...

The company was a small machine factory with 25 employees who worked occasionally for the Germans. During the night, the factory was guarded by 2 sabotage guards, but at the start of normal working hours, they left the factory. The company was therefore unprotected at 11 am when the saboteurs entered and stopped the workers The staff gathered at the gate, while the blasting team carried two 25 kg trotyl bombs in and planted them on machines in the workshop. The workers were allowed to retrieve their personal belongings and collect their bicycles, after which the fuses were lit. The workers were sent down the street, and then the bombs exploded, tearing the factory to the ground. Three employees who were staying in a back building were injured in the explosion.



Rentemestervej 59


0 København

Holger Danske

Teglers gruppe




Kai Ludvigsen (FHM 14142)

Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997. Peter Birkelund: Sabotør i Holger Danske, 2015.