Sabotage against Glud & Marstrand’s factories 19-09-1943

The pressing machine, where the explosive charge was located. The black arrow shows a part of the destructions, a blown op cogwheel.


The company worked a good deal of the time for the Wehrmacht and therefore had been targeted by the saboteurs before. An explosive charge, which according to a German report weighed approx. 2 kg, was planted on a hydraulic press machine...

The company worked a good deal of the time for the Wehrmacht and therefore had been targeted by the saboteurs before. An explosive charge, which according to a German report weighed approx. 2 kg, was planted on a hydraulic press machine. The press was used for making aluminium buckets for the occupying Germans and other such things. Several windows were shattered in the surrounding workshop buildings.



Rentemestervej 5, 7 og 9


2 Københavns Amt Nordre Birk


Gruppe 3; Børge Hansen




Esben Kjeldbæk: Sabotageorganisationen BOPA, 1997. EL-rapport.