Sønderklint - engelsk

Sønderklint. Nedskred.


Sønderklint 2.

Sønderklint. Nedskred 2.


Tvillingeøen set fra udsigtstårnet

Sønderklint 3.
Sønderklint offers splendid views and, looking north, there is a fine view of the whole island.
Sønderklint offers splendid views and, looking north, there is a fine view of the whole island.
In ancient times, Tunø was known as Tvillingeøen (the Twin Islands). In the Stone Age, the island was split by the sea into a western part with Bjerget (the Heights) rising 24 m above sea level, and an eastern part with Møllebakken (the Mill Hill) rising 17 m.
From the Ice Age and during the subsequent millennia, the land gradually rose, eventually linking the two islands. Fens and woodland now flourish where the strait used to be.
The major part of Tunø is no longer farmland, but consists of wooded area, disused fields and ungrazed common land. The closure of the dairy on Tunø and the slaughterhouse in Odder meant a drastic reduction in livestock farming on the island. There is, however, still some sheep-farming.
Looking down towards the harbour between Sønderklint and the harbour, you will see the spot known as Ålekæret (The Eel Pond). This was the first landing site for boats; not a harbour as such, but a slipway where the boats could be hauled on land. Earlier, there was an old windmill here, but it was accidentally burnt down while shooting a film.