Mårup Skov drop zone

The parachutes open and slowly descend onto the drop zone where the reception team is waiting.


No aircraft over the drop zone. The pilot reported that it was terrible weather, and there was no light signal from the ground.

No aircraft over the drop zone. The pilot reported that it was terrible weather, and there was no light signal from the ground.




Marinus: Typograf Marinus Hansen

The Samsø Group

Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 187f.

The plane airdropped 12 Fox-containers with 40 packs of ammunition, 11 guns and 2 PIAT (anti-tank weapon), 4 Bren guns and 54 submachine guns. A package with a radio beacon (Eureka) was lost.






Marinus: Typograf Marinus Hansen

The Samsø Group

Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 187f.

Region: Jutland - District: Samsø Zone nr.: 115 - Zone name: Mårup Skov Place in the Military Map: Volume 2 - Page 9 - B3: I "v" i Maarup Skov Sources: Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 187f.