Måreskov drop zone

Reception report from the drop zone Måreskov on Funen on 10 October 1944.


A leading member of the illegal command centre on Funen was arrested and because he knew the location of the drop zone, no one dared to go through with the retrieval...

A leading member of the illegal command centre on Funen was arrested and because he knew the location of the drop zone, no one dared to go through with the retrieval. One man was sent to the drop zone to “send the plane away”, after which the aircraft just flew over the drop zone without throwing out any containers.




The Nyborg Group

Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. 40ff.

The plane flew over the drop zone three times without making an airdrop, even though both light and morse signals had been sent from the drop zone.




The Nyborg Group

Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. s. 43ff.

The plane airdropped 15 Lion-containers and 2 packs of hand grenades and ammunition. It is likely the plane was shot down on its way back to England.






The Nyborg Group

Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. s. 66.

Region: Funen - District: Nyborg Zone nr.: 34 - Zone name: Måreskov Place in the Military Map: Volume 2 - Page 32 - C2: 500 m nord for "r" i Maareskov Sources: Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet.