Løvenholm drop zone

Christian Altenburg Hansen ("Alto") born 1903. SOE agent. Airdropped into Denmark at Løvenholm on 31 March 1944. He worked as a Eureka instructor in Jutland until he was arrested by the Germans on 2nd September 1944.


On the night of April 1st, 1944, three SOE agents were airdropped to various drop zones in Jutland. SOE agent Christian Altenburg Hansen ("Alto") was airdropped at Løvenholm in Djursland. A stationary Eureka was also airdropped with the agent and possibly 6 containers as well...

On the night of April 1st, 1944, three SOE agents were airdropped to various drop zones in Jutland. SOE agent Christian Altenburg Hansen ("Alto") was airdropped at Løvenholm in Djursland. A stationary Eureka was also airdropped with the agent and possibly 6 containers as well. The aircraft continued to the drop zone at Jebjerg, where another 6 containers were dropped. Altenburg Hansen had spent many years abroad, which is why he spoke with a very strong English accent. His primary task in Denmark was to improve navigation for the allied aircraft as they flew over Jutland. This was to be done by setting up stationary Eureka (radio beacon) on the west coast of Jutland. These beacons emitted radio signals that incoming aircraft could use for navigation. He succeeded in establishing several such Eureka stations before his arrest on 2nd September 1944 in Aarhus.


The Hornslet Group

Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 90, 92, 96. Kim Lykke Jensen: Hornsletgruppen, 2015, s. 117ff. Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 153f.

Region: Jutland - District: 7 Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Løvenholm Place in the Military Map: Volume 1 - Page 33 - B2: Ved Løvenholm Sources: Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 90, 92, 96. Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 153f. Info: Pladsens placering er usikker.