Lyngå Skov drop zone

Reception report from the drop zone Lyngå Skov on 26 April 1945.


The team was at the drop zone, but no plane was seen. The pilot wrote in his report that the plane had flown over the drop zone, but there was reception team there.

The team was at the drop zone, but no plane was seen. The pilot wrote in his report that the plane had flown over the drop zone, but there was reception team there.




Bækgaard: Intendant Johannes Andersen

Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 167.

The plane airdropped 12 Fox-containers and 2 packages of grenades. The consignment was later sent to Randers and distributed.






Bækgaard: Intendant Johannes Andersen

Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 167.

Region: Jutland - District: 8 Zone nr.: 244 - Zone name: Lyngå Skov Place in the Military Map: Volume 1 - Page 37 - D2: 200 m syd for "Sk" i Lyngaa Sk Sources: Jyske Pladsbog, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 167.