Langsø drop zone

The parachutes open and slowly descend onto the drop zone where the reception team is waiting.


It was the Hornslet Group's first reception. SOE agent Ole Geisler and two men from the Hvidsten Group participated. Geisler used an S-phone. The plane airdropped 6 containers from an altitude of 400 metres. These landed nicely at the drop zone...

It was the Hornslet Group's first reception. SOE agent Ole Geisler and two men from the Hvidsten Group participated. Geisler used an S-phone. The plane airdropped 6 containers from an altitude of 400 metres. These landed nicely at the drop zone. The containers were emptied immediately, and the contents were loaded onto a small horse and cart and transported to Doctor H. Thomsen's cottage at Femmøller Strand, which was 7-8 kilometres away. The items that could not be loaded onto the horse and cart, were put on bicycles. The containers and parachutes were dropped into the lake.



The Hornslet Group

Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 251. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 132-135.

The plane arrived at the drop zone at 22.55 and airdropped 6 containers from a height of 450 metres. SOE agent Ole Geisler used an S-phone in which the codesign was "Hitler calls Mussolini". After unpacking, the cargo was transported to Doctor H. Thomsen's cottage at Femmøller Strand. Containers and parachutes were dropped into the lake. It is reported that at this reception, the team had forgotten to bring red paper for the signal light, so Ole Geisler cut his finger and wiped his blood onto the handkerchief, which was then held in front of the lamp.



The Hornslet Group

Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 132-135.

Region: Jutland - District: 7 Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Langsø Place in the Military Map: Volume 1 - Page 38 - D2: Sources: Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954, s. 251. Pernille Pedersen: Østjylland under besættelsen, 2018, s. 132-135. Info: Der er oplysning om, at der skete nedkastning på pladsen i slutningen af juli 1943 - ca. den 25. juli. Men resultatet er ukendt (Hæstrup)