Langesø drop zone

Drop zone at Langesø on Funen, which was used for weapon airdrops in the autumn of 1944. Photographed in 1950.

Reception report on the airdrop to the drop zone at Langesø on 8 October 1944

Reception report from the drop zone at Langesø on 1 November 1944

Reception report from the drop zone at Langesø on 1 November 1944.


A member of the illegal Funen leadership was arrested and because he knew the location of the drop zone, no one dared to carry out a reception. A man was sent to the drop zone to "send the plane away", this resulted in the plane flying over the drop zone without dropping any containers.

A member of the illegal Funen leadership was arrested and because he knew the location of the drop zone, no one dared to carry out a reception. A man was sent to the drop zone to "send the plane away", this resulted in the plane flying over the drop zone without dropping any containers.




The Odense Group

Telegramkorrespondance, Anton Toldstrups arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. 40f.

The plane was supposed to make an airdrop at the drop zone, but instead the 12 containers were dropped at Søndersø , where everything was seized by the Germans. However, another plane threw 12 containers at the Langesø-drop zone, all of which were salvaged.





The Odense Group

Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. 46f.

The plane flew over the drop zone several times before it dropped 24 Fox-containers. A passerby was held up by the guards, which he was very unhappy about, but after experiencing the airdrop, he declared it to be the best experience of his life. His ID card was withdrawn and then returned.






The Odense Group

Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet.

Region: Funen - District: Odense Zone nr.: 5 - Zone name: Langesø Place in the Military Map: Volume 2 - Page 22 - F3: 200 m nord for "e" i Langesø Sources: Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet.