Hølken Strand og Odder Strand Camping GB

Odder Strand Camping

Odder Strand Camping. Udsigt mod havet
Hølken Beach is a popular place to camp, because you can drive almost to the water’s edge.
Hølken Beach is a popular place to camp, because you can drive almost to the water’s edge.
Primitive outdoor life with a tent and a campfire was already popular in the 1930s and, in the 1960s, the camping movement experienced a new boom, as it sought to adapt to higher income levels and the increase in private car ownership.
Private and ultramodern campsites are very conspicuous up and down the coast; apart from Odder Beach Camping, which is from 1975, there are two additional sites on the coast between Hou and Saksild Beach as well as a naturist campsite near Kysing.
At a point between the coast and the isle of Tunø, the off-shore wind farm close to Tunø Knob is visible. The ten turbines each stand 63 metres high and were erected as a pilot scheme in 1995; the location, however, was controversial. Apart from the general appearance, there was concern for the common eider (Somateria mollissima) which mainly feed on blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). There are extensive mussel beds at Tunø Knob, and the question, therefore, was whether the common eider would be disturbed in its foraging activities, but it was soon evident that the large birds quickly got accustomed to the turbines.
In the area immediately in front of Odder Beach Camping, there are extensive plantations of beach roses (Rosa rugosa) – also called dog roses – and known for their large, juicy, orangey-red hips. The flower is crinkled and its five petals are usually dark pink or rose-coloured with a strong rosy scent.
The beach rose originates from North-East Asia and was introduced to Denmark in the 1800s as an ornamental plant. From the gardens, it spread invasively to numerous beaches and coastal areas. The plant is resistant to salt, drought, severe frost, and strong winds, and it thrives especially in the sandy soils of beaches, dunes, salt marshes, and beach meadows.
The beach rose is subject to control in many places, especially in coastal areas, as the plant forms great numbers of thick-set suckers that threaten to drive out the native vegetation.