Gyldenløveshøj drop zone

On the night of 13 December 1943, an English Lancaster was bringing the leader of SOE Denmark, Flemming B. Muus, back from meetings in London...


A reception group were with the local forester at the drop zone. The aircraft airdropped 6 containers, which were brought into storage in a shed in Bidstrup forest. The next day, explosives and guns were repackaged and driven to Copenhagen.

A reception group were with the local forester at the drop zone. The aircraft airdropped 6 containers, which were brought into storage in a shed in Bidstrup forest. The next day, explosives and guns were repackaged and driven to Copenhagen.



The group working with Stig Jensen

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15105. Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15093. Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 89.

6 containers with explosives were airdropped. These were then brought to Copenhagen.



The group working with Stig Jensen

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15105. Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15093. Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 89.

The head of SOE in Denmark, Flemming B. Muus ("Mint"), had been in England, but on the night of December 13 was to be airdropped to the drop zone at Gyldenløveshøj. Muus was ready for the drop into Denmark (which was his second time) when the plane, a Halifax BB378 from 138 Squadron, was shot down over the drop zone by a German fighter. A brief unequal fight ensued, after which the Halifax crashed to the ground. The pilot managed to land the plane at Bonderup. Muus and the crew survived and they came to Copenhagen and Sweden respectively.



The group working with Stig Jensen

Flemming B. Muus: Ingen tænder et Lys .., 1950, s. 154f. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 79f.

A plane flew over the drop zone but because of misunderstandings regarding the expected arrival time, the reception team did not arrive in time.



The Borup team

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15105 og 11D-15093. Beretning i Hæstrups samling i Rigsarkivet: Erik Christiansen & Brorly, Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 238ff.

12 Fox-containers and 2 packs of radio valves were airdropped – 11 containers were found.





The Borup Team

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15105 og 11D-15093. Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 238ff.

The plane airdropped 24 containers – 12 Fox and 12 Tiger






The Borup team

Beretning på Frihedsmuseet 11D-15095. Beretning i Hæstrups samling i Rigsarkivet: Brorly. Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 238ff.

Region: Zealand - District: Roskilde Zone nr.: 0 - Zone name: Gyldenløveshøj Place in the Military Map: Volume 3 - Page 12 - D3: Over "G" i Gyldenløveshøj Sources: Jørgen Hæstrup: Kontakt med England 1940-43, 1954. Anders Bjørnvad: Hjemmehæren, 1988, s. 89. Flemming B. Muus: Ingen tænder et Lys .., 1950, s. 154f. Birkelund og Dethlefsen: Faldskærmsfolk, 1986, s. 79f.