Gammel sportsplads og nye shelters GB
Gymnaster ved Boulstrup Strand. 1930-31
Hølken Strand. Grillhytte, shelters og grejbase. 2014
Behind the beach vegetation, there is a small grassy area now containing shelters and a covered barbecue – basically a primitive campsite.
Behind the beach vegetation, there is a small grassy area now containing shelters and a covered barbecue – basically a primitive campsite. It is mainly intended for local nurseries and schools, but the general public is also welcome to make use of it.
One of the shelters is permanently locked, however, since the municipal schools in Odder use it to store their equipment for outdoor marine nature studies.
To the right of the campsite, there is an area that formerly belonged to the Aarhus County Gymnastics Association, which was a league of local sports associations. In the 1930s, this was a large association totalling around 8,500 members.
In 1930, the association purchased the roughly four-and-a-half acres from a local farmer for the sum of DKK 4,000 (EUR 533).
The area was earmarked as a sports ground, and volunteers from the gymnastics associations were charged with the job of getting the area ready for use. They subsequently turfed the area and planted 319 lilac bushes creating a neat frame around the sports ground.
A club house was also built including changing facilities, a kitchen, and an office complete with hammocks for the guards on duty. The guards took it in turns to oversee the area during weekends keeping order and to make sure that people did not mess up the place.
In July 1932, the grounds were ready for the grand opening and during the following years, a great many sports festivals were held there. Children would come from all over Aarhus County to play handball and to stage gymnastics displays.
The sports ground quickly began to double as a stamping ground for the local youth, who used to hang out there in the evening.
Towards the end of World War II, German soldiers used the area for shooting practice.
Today, the area is owned by Odder Municipality and is put to various uses including boat storage.