Brændegård Sø drop zone

Reception report from the drop zone by Brændegård Lake on 31 December 1944.

Reception report from the drop zone by Brændegård Lake on 31 December 1944.

Reception report from the drop zone by Brændegård Lake on 31 December 1944.


All airdrops to Funen drop zones were cancelled because of New Year’s Eve. However, an airdrop was announced on the BBC, so the team gathered at the drop zone anyway. The airdrop was made and 24 Fox-containers and a package of guns was received as planned...

All airdrops to Funen drop zones were cancelled because of New Year’s Eve. However, an airdrop was announced on the BBC, so the team gathered at the drop zone anyway. The airdrop was made and 24 Fox-containers and a package of guns was received as planned. The consignment consisted of 8 machine guns, 22 machine guns, 135 carbines, 4 Bazookas (anti-tank), 400 hand grenades, 40 gammon bombs, 37 pistols/ revolvers and 16 kg of explosives.






The Fåborg Group

Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. s. 53f. Frants Jørgen Hvass: Mænd i sorte kapper, 1968, s. 85ff.

It was announced that there would be airdrops at 7 drop zones on Funen. Bad weather prevented the planes from reaching the locations. There was huge disappointment among the people at the drop zone.




The Fåborg Group

Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. s. 56f. Frants Jørgen Hvass: Mænd i sorte kapper, 1968, s. 106ff.

The plane airdropped 24 Fox-containers which were received, but the containers were taken shortly after by the Germans. A man from the reception team was captured by the Germans and the depot was robbed. It was announced that there would be airdrops at 5 different drop zones on Funen that night. At 5 minute intervals all airdrops were carried out. With a five minute interval between each drop, all deliveries were carried out.






The Fåborg Group

Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Telegramkorrespondance, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet. Jørgen Hæstrup: Hilsen til Vera, 1956, s. s. 59. Frants Jørgen Hvass: Mænd i sorte kapper, 1968, s. 144ff.

Region: Funen - District: Fåborg Zone nr.: 8 - Zone name: Brændegård Sø Place in the Military Map: Volume 2 - Page 36 - B2: 800 m nord for "n" i Brændegd Sø Sources: Fynske Pladsbog, Erik Frandsens arkiv, Rigsarkivet.