7: The Vicarage

Postkort. Fotografi. Tommerup Præstegård.

Tommerup Præstegård. Kirken, enkebolig og nordfløj set fra vest

Tommerup Præstegård i sne. I dag står gården i Den Fynske Landsby.

Sortbrogede danske landsvin i Tommerup Præstegård, nu i Den Fynske Landsby.

Tommerupd præstegård, nu i Den Fynske Landsby.

Tommerup Præstegård i Den Fynske Landsby.

Præstegårdshaven i Den Fynske Landsby.


The red Vicarage (no. 7) is the largest farm in the Funen Village. This was the home of the village's clergyman, who played an important role in the local community in the 19th century. Behind the Vicarage's dwelling house lies a romantic garden.

In the 19th century, clergymen and their families lived partly on the proceeds of the vicarage farm land and partly on tithes (a thirtieth of the parish crops) and other duties. With the Tithe Act of 1903, the payment of tithes began to be phased out so that vicars subsequently were paid a regular salary like other public servants. Their salary was an average of the formerly very different clergy incomes and in many places this arrangement provoked great dissatisfaction.
In the 19th century, Tommerup and Brylle parishes constituted a good foundation for the vicarage family. From the middle of the 19th century, the vicarage land was farmed out and in the subsequent decades the vicar's family lived exclusively on the rental income and duties and taxes from the parish.

In the oldest surviving vicarage survey from 1803, Tommerup Vicarage is referred to as a four-winged building complex in a well-maintained state of repair. The buildings are not referred to as being new, but their year of construction is not mentioned. The dwelling house was 15 bays in length and is the same as that seen in The Funen Village today. Pax intrantibus, Salus exeuntibis. HCIS 1692 is seen at the entrance to the wing. The inscription means “peace to those who enter, salvation to those who leave”, and the date presumably refers to the year of construction. The building was, however, altered several times subsequently – most recently in the 1840s, when the lay-out was modernised. The part of the dwelling house that today lies to the south, and which includes the kitchen, was built in the 1840s and fitted out with kitchen, scullery, servants' hall, study etc. In connection with the extensive alterations in the 1890s, the internal layout of this building was also altered, including the establishment of a bathroom, among other things. Both the dwelling-house wings were, on re-erection in The Funen Village, restored to their appearance of around 1850.

The long barn building to the north is also mentioned in 1803. This building was probably built around 1700, whereas the north-facing extension was added between 1803 and 1809. The north wing functions today as a byre for most of The Funen Village's livestock. This means that its present-day layout is governed by modern requirements concerning livestock housing and facilities and, consequently, it does not reflect the appearance of the byre in the 19th century. The tenant's residence, which is a separate house in continuation of the kitchen wing, was built during the 18th century. In 1849, the building was extended and fitted out as a residence for the tenant. Today, it is used for small exhibitions and activities. The final wing, which completed the square of the vicarage farm, was demolished in the middle of the 19th century.

Tommerup Vicarage is a timber-framed building, three panels high, in contrast to the usual two. The solid and abundant oak used in the timber frame and the fired bricks in the panels tell us that Tommerup Vicarage was a wealthy farm. The same impression is conferred by the five chimneys – here people could afford to heat many rooms. The roof of the Vicarage is of reed and the ridge has kragetræer. The striking red colour of the buildings was discovered during investigations into the layers of former colour. When the Vicarage came to The Funen Village in 1955, it was white-washed with black timber-framing, but a decision was made at the time to restore the farm to its original colourful appearance. The paint was made from lime-water, ferric oxide red and casein or ox blood.