22: The school

Eskær Skole, midt mellem Vindeby og Troense. Skolen står nu i Den Fynske landsby

Eskær Skole. Nu i Den Fynske Landsby

Detalje fra Eskær Skole i Den Fynske Landsby

Eskær Skole i Den Fynske Landsby

Skolestuen i Eskær Skole i Den Fynske Landsby


Eskær School (no. 22) was built by landowner Frederik Juul, who was a chamberlain and lord of the manor at the island Tåsinge. Schools were of crucial importance for the development of the peasantry and Danish society during the 19th century.

Eskær School was completed in 1826. At that time, it comprised a school building and a barn to the north. The school building was intended for both teaching and the teacher's accommodation. As part of the teacher's salary was in kind, there needed to be room for a cow and hay for the cow as well as grain and fuel. In 1838, a further timber-framed building was added to the south. This contained scullery, dairy, cellar and chamber. In 1884, the school was extended by adding 5 alen (3 m) at each end, so both the classroom and the accommodation became larger. The entrance hall behind the entrance was created in the middle of the 20th century. The school is built of fired bricks on a granite boulder/field-stone foundation. This form of construction was chosen because it was not much more expensive than timber-framing. Another possible factor in this choice was that the school was a prestige building in the parish, and there was prestige in the bricks. The building is roofed with pantiles. On the roof ridge, a small bell tower was built. The bell was used to call the pupils in for lessons.

The population of Tåsinge made a living from agriculture, fruit production and maritime trade. It was typical for the large manors to found schools in the villages on their own initiative in the 17th century or according to the Education Decree of 1739. Therefore, there was a school at Bregninge in the middle of the island in the 18th century. At the end of the century, the fruit-producing community of Troense was founded on the NE coast with the aim of creating new work opportunities for the rural population. Here, the next school was founded in 1790. The population increased sharply, and already around 1800 money began to be saved up for Eskær School which was built in 1826. The first teacher was educated at Bernstorffsminde Teacher's College under Brahetrolleborg. Teaching was for older pupils in the morning and younger ones in the afternoon. Schoolmaster Rasmussen was interested in agriculture. He expanded the farm so he had both a farm hand and a horse, and he also added to the buildings. In 1870, the school had 101 pupils. There were 50 and 51 in the two classes. They were taught in a room which was smaller than that seen today. The number of pupils fell to 35 in 1895 but rose subsequently to 70. In 1908, a preparatory school was built and a school mistress appointed who taught, among other things, needlework. Already in the 1930s, there was talk of a new central school in the parish. The school was, however, not closed until 1956, and the building was re-erected in The Funen Village in 1976.

It is very important to have a school in The Funen Village as schools were of crucial importance for the development of the peasantry and Danish society during the 19th century. It was through school education according to the School Law of 1814, that society was prepared for democratisation, liberalisation and modernisation. The schools departed from the old ways which were reliant on oral tradition. Several hundred village schools, technical and vocational schools and folk high schools came to characterise Funen from the 19th century up to the present day. The school room is fitted out with older furniture from village schools on Funen. It appears as it would have done around 1900. The teacher's accommodation is used for children's activities. It is the Museum's hope that it will be possible to reconstruct a [school] barn within the foreseeable future.