Ølykkecenteret - engelsk

Ølykkecenteret 1.

Ølykkecenteret 2.
Opposite the Old Dairy, there is a newish yellow-brick building. This is the Ølykke Centre built in the latter part of 1988.
The Ølykke Centre
Opposite the Old Dairy, there is a newish yellow-brick building. This is the Ølykke Centre built in the latter part of 1988.
It comprises three sheltered housing units, a shared kitchen and a laundry. It also doubles as a health centre – the doctor makes a scheduled visit once a month.
Tunø has a permanent district nurse who can be contacted for health problems and accidents of a less serious nature. In acute emergencies, an air-lift will be arranged by a helicopter from the Danish Navy Operative Command. The helicopter can reach Tunø in a matter of 10-15 minutes.
The Ølykke Centre also doubles as a social gathering venue.
The Tunø Festival
In 1987, the new tradition of a music festival held on the grassy field between the Ølykke Centre and the harbour was begun. To start with, it was primarily folk music and jazz, and the first festival sold 1,000 tickets – the island population then counted 80 people.
In the early years, there were also concerts in the church, the village hall and the dairy.
Over the years, the festival has evolved into an annual event roughly increasing the Tunø population tenfold. The festival is reputedly the friendliest in Denmark, each year attracting an audience of around 1,500 for the four-day event.