20: The Brahesborg Barn

Brahesborgladen i Den Fynske Landsby.

Laden ved Brahesborg, nu står den i Den Fynske Landsby.

Laden ved Brahesborg, nu står den i Den Fynske Landsby.

Brahesborgladen i Den Fynske Landsby. Foto: Anders Myrtue.

Brahesborgladen i Den Fynske Landsby.


The big red Brahesborg Barn (no. 20) originates from the manor of Brahesborg, close to of Assens. It is a striking, solid Renaissance building on two floors. Originally the barn was used for storeage of grain, today it is an administration building.

The Brahesborg Barn is a typical Renaissance building with a corbelled or jettied upper storey. It is built of exceptionally solid timber. Something which is typical of urban and manorial buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries (see also the Vicarage (no. 7)). The timber is oak and the panels are filled out with fired bricks. The roof is of pantiles. It is necessary to imagine a series of alterations having taken place through time. Not least the interior which now serves modern aims and needs.

Østrupgård and Brahesborg The original site of the barn was possibly the manor Østrupgård, which is a small manor that formed part of the great estate of Brahesminde in Southern Funen. There is evidence to suggest that it was this building that was dismantled by landowner Jørgen Brahe who bought Østrupgård in 1632. After 1638, he had a dismantled building from Østrupgård re-erected at the manor of Bispbo (later Brahesborg). At Brahesborg, the barn occupied rather a marginal position to the north of the main building, and while older farm buildings were destroyed by fire and storm, it survived. In 1800, it was used as a hothouse. Østrupgård, which was a forest farm on poor, hilly land, was as part of the estate handed over to the state in 1919, when the entailed estates were abolished. Subsequently, the land was parcelled out for smallholdings. Attempts were made subsequently to reunite them up towards 2000. Brahesborg today is a large, privately-owned manor. It lies in a fertile area, well suited to arable agriculture etc. Brahesborg can be approached quite closely along the public road which leads through the complex.