18: Sortebro Inn

Skilt på Sortebro Kor, nu i Den Fynske Landsby: 'Kongelig previlegeret Sortebo Kro'.

Billede af skænkestuen i Sortebro Kro. På billedet ses til venstre kroejer Rasmus Hristoffersen.

Sortebro Kro på sit oprindelsessted.

Sortebro Kro på sit oprindelsessted. Står nu i Den Fynske landsby.

Sortebro Kro på sit oprindelsessted med rejseladen i forgrunden. Står nu i Den Fynske Landsby.

Sortebro Kro i Den Fynske landsby.

Skænkestuen i Sortebro Kro. Foto: Bjarne Koburg Thomsen.

Sortebro Kro i Den Fynske Landsby. Foto: Bjarne Koburg Thomsen.


Sortebro Inn (no. 18) is an example of the many village and wayside inns which were part of the Funen landscape in the 19th century. The inn was purchased in 1943 and re-erected in The Funen Village in 1945.

The first thing one notices when visiting Sortebro Inn is the painted decoration on the dwelling house. The yellow-washed façade with the blue, painted joints was not something seen in many places, not least because it was difficult to maintain. These lines were probably intended to emphasise the use of fired bricks in the panels of the building. As bricks were an expensive building material, sometimes a brick pattern was drawn on the surface of the panels to make it look like the real thing. At the of being dismantled, the dwelling house was white-washed with black timber framing. The roof is thatched with reed with kragetræer on the ridge. The earliest Sortebro house from 1805 was built with wattle-and-daub walls. However, prior to 1861, all the panels were filled out with fired bricks. The building also originally had clay floors in all the rooms with exception of the scullery, which had a floor of granite field stones. By 1840, there were brick floors in the parlour, chamber, living room and bedroom. It was first in connection with the alterations in 1861 that wooden floors were fitted in a few rooms in the building.

The core of the present Sortebro Inn originates from 1805, when Christian Hansen from Hesselager built a two-winged smallholding which was given the name Sortebro House. From the insurance archives of 1807, we know the layout of the house. The dwelling house contained parlour, beer room, alcove, bedroom “with a hearth to cook food on”, living room, entrance hall, scullery and store room.

The seven bays of the farm building wing were fitted out as byre, granary and threshing floor as well as woodshed and peat store. In 1840, Sortebro House was extended with a further wing which was fitted out as scullery, farm hand's room and workshop. It also appears that the dwelling house was extended by one bay at this time. From 1861, it is referred to in insurance papers as an inn, and in the years previous it was fitted out as such with taproom, guest chambers etc., and that same year a stable was also built. It is this inn layout which can be seen today at The Funen Village.